sábado, 7 de noviembre de 2009

It is said that the absence of light was greater aprción of ghosts and demons, or souls.. But one of them says that a man was returning home from his mother. He came from a party as usual, then he saw a black dog staring at him in the eye. He calmed down and kept walking, but was startled when a little later, the same dog looked him straight in the eyes, blood red eyes of the dog penetrated her mind like a dagger through his chest. He was sweating, his heart beat to the point of seeming qerer explode. But worse was his surprise when he saw the dog chasing him. She ran and ran with all his might, and every time I looked back, saw a dog chasing bigger and bigger, and then the dog conviertió a huge monster who chased him through the streets. Hurling flames of fire from the nose and with a sulfur smell everywhere. He reached the house of his mother. Desesperado, he sought the key, but the scare would not let him think, so I yelled with all his might and hit the door, her mother opened, and the tears came. He told his mother what had happened and she said that dog was the dog of the devil, it was best to pray an Our Father and a Rosary. Creo que ese instante quedará en su mente durante toda su vida I think that moment will stay in your mind for a lifetime

El Duende de la Iglesia The Goblin of the Church

It is said that in the days during the absence of light, Caracas was a church, on which account, all partiers, and drunken revelers passed through it were a short man, who asked for fire snuff. Then came the person and gladly gave fire to man, which he thanked the favor and, when the gentleman was leaving the man sucked her snuff and increased in size in front of the astonished gaze of the knight, then continued sucking his snuff to grow much as the size of the church and then laughed wickedly as the poor gentleman ran out terrified by the scare.

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